Working in the cluster method has shown its positive aspects in a short period of time. In particular, resource-saving technologies have been introduced in the textile industry of our republic. New modern enterprises were created, new jobs were created, and the production of finished products with high added value developed. Therefore, stabilizing the activities of emerging and developing clusters and eliminating existing problems are considered urgent tasks.
In the implementation of this study, the work of a number of scientists who conducted scientific research in such areas as the theoretical and methodological foundations of industrial clusters, the role of clusters and associated business entities in the development of the commodity market and in the study of factors influencing it were theoretically analyzed. Based on the dialectical theory of scientific research, analysis and synthesis, statistical analysis methods were used as the research methodology.
On the one hand, the cluster allows you to quickly update according to the trigger effect. On the other hand, in doing so, it forces buyers to remember their constant development in front of the market. On the other hand, the stability of a cluster is determined by the ability to withstand external and internal negative disturbances and maintain a balanced and stable state. Over a long period of time, movement has relatively the same structure, mode of action and trajectory. It is the cluster economy that allows you to build a new business concept, change the usual models, position yourself differently and find new areas of competitiveness
About the Authors
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