Development of technical solutions for increasing energy efficiency in gas processing enterprises, determining the potential of secondary energy resources and using them in the energy balance of the enterprise are urgent issues. The energy balance analysis of oil and gas processing enterprises shows that 65% of thermal energy, 8÷10% of electric energy and 25÷27% of gas are consumed in technological processes. As a result, flows of secondary energy (flue gases, secondary vapors, waste water,...) occur, which can inevitably be lost to the environment and pollute the environment. Therefore, reuse of secondary energy resources, i.e. disposal, is one of the main methods of increasing energy efficiency. The purpose of the research work is to determine the amount of secondary energy resources, energy capacity in the gas processing enterprise, to evaluate the possibilities of use in the total energy balance of the enterprise, and to justify the saving and reserves of additional fuel and energy resources.
In the article, the heat capacity and energy potential of secondary energy resources were determined based on the methods of energy balance and thermodynamic analysis of industrial enterprises and objects, as well as the basic laws of heat engineering.
In the article, a thermodynamic analysis of the potential of secondary energy resources is made on the example of “Shurtan GChC” LLC. As a result of the disposal of secondary energy resources, the possibility of saving a large amount of fuel and energy resources in the enterprise was evaluated. Methodology for calculating the heat capacity of heat secondary energy resources, calculation results and structural diagrams of SER are presented.
The analysis of the SER energy potential of “Shurtan GChC” LLC shows that the heat released to the environment by flue gases is high and amounts to 9.0÷10.0 MW. The result of preliminary theoretical studies shows that there is a possibility of obtaining additional thermal energy of 2.0÷2.7 MW as a result of disposal of low-potential heat of wastewater.
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List of references
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