This article compares the parameters obtained in spring and summer seasons of photothermal battery (PV) and photoelectric battery (PVT) with a new type of cooling system. Solar radiation on the surface of the PVT increased the current density with the help of reflectors and the short-circuit current values increased dramatically. By cooling the PVT with a new type of cooling system, its operating voltage values have been dramatically increased. The new type of cooling system of the photothermal device (PTD) consists of a radiator, water pump, fan, and water tank. This method of cooling PVT is significant because it has no analogues in the world. It was possible to obtain hot water with a temperature of 35 0C in the spring season and 48 0C in the summer season in a new type of photothermal device (PTD). An experimental and laboratory copy of PTDs with such a new type of cooling system was developed at the Institute of Physics and Technology. The next goal is to develop commercial copies of the PTD with a new type of cooling system.
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