The heat requirement of an egg incubator working with solar energy is studied in the article. In the determination, the following were made: there is a steady-state condition, one-dimensional heat flow prevails, the incubator materials have a constant thermal conductivity, and the incubator is a closed system at a constant temperature. When it comes to incubator design, the heat required and delivery are important considerations. The temperature and relative humidity in the incubator depend on the degree of heat and ventilation supplied. Adequate heat supply and ventilation increase air circulation and heat transfer.
It is provided with continuous heat and electricity, and the heating, ventilation and cooling system of the hatchery can save up to 1.5-2.0 times the electricity compared to incubators with lamps or TENs that work on traditional full electric energy, useful work coefficient It was found to be 95%. As a result of the introduction of the device, the cost of the product was reduced by 30-40% due to alternative energy sources. In addition, the drying of medicinal plants allows temporary storage of perishable agricultural products.
Based on the analysis of scientific and technical materials and scientific research, the scheme and heat losses through the walls of the multifunctional heliotechnical device were substantiated.
It was found that the proposed multi-functional solar powered heliotechnical device has the ability to effectively incubate in the incubation mode. The results of the indoor environment of the installed incubator were found to be close to the results required by natural egg incubation. The use of the system in the poultry industry eliminates the problem of electricity supply.
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List of references
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